Our Forsyth
Because the earliest years of childhood are the most critical, we work to shape the experiences of our children so that they thrive. Our programs are evidence- and research-based to provide opportunities that support educational and emotional growth. Children who are exposed to Smart Start of Forsyth County arrive at school healthy and well-prepared to outperform other children on standardized achievement tests. Students in our programs require less grade repetition, and they are more likely to graduate high school. Additionally, children who progress through our program are less likely to be arrested or commit crimes.
Below are resources, reports, and research that guide our service to Forsyth County. Our strategic plan ensures that we will continue to serve with integrity, fidelity to program models, and the best interests of each child in mind.
NC Research
- Evaluation of the NC Pre-K Program (Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, UNC Chapel Hill, 2019)
- North Carolina Early Home Visiting Landscape (UNC School of Social Work, Jordan Institute for Families, 2018)
- NC Child Health Report Card (NC Child, NC Institute of Medicine, 2018)
- Smart Start Resource Guide of Evidence-Based and Evidence-Informed Programs and Practices (Compass Evaluation and Research, Inc./Smoky Mountain Research Institute/NC Partnership for Children, revised 2018)
- North Carolina Partnership for Children (NCPC)
- North Carolina Early Childhood Foundation (NCECF)
- Smart Start & The North Carolina Partnership for Children – NCPC
National Research
Learn more about the importance of early childhood development and education.
- Journal of Early Childhood Research • National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER)
- Talking About Early Childhood Development (Frameworks Institute)
- Early Education and Child Care Bill Tracking Database (National Conference of State Legislatures)
- National Association for the Education of Young Children