Smart Start of Forsyth County Training Expectations
We encourage all participants to make an effort to adhere to the training expectations outlined below:
- Each Participant must pre-register for each training to attend.
- Admittance will not be allowed after the first 10 minutes of class.
- Kindness and respect for one another and the presenter are expected.
- Only participants who have pre-registered for trainings will be issued a Training Certificate of Completion.
- All participants must log into Zoom with their cameras turned on (members of groups on one device must be visible) to receive credit for attendance.
- Cameras must remain on during the training, if you must step away, please post in chat to inform the presenter.
- Please type your name, position/title, and name of childcare facility in the chat box (this will also be utilized as a sign in at the beginning and end of each training).
- Participants’ interaction and participation with the presenter will be greatly appreciated.
- Complete the required pre-survey (with demographic info).*
- Each training participant must complete the training evaluation with the post-questionnaire (this will help SSFC determine the effectiveness of the training and inform decisions for future trainings).*
Upcoming Trainings:
Infant Toddler Curriculum
This training will be an overview of what a developmentally appropriate curriculum looks like for an infant and toddler classroom based on children's interest.
Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR)
Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) rules are designed to assist licensed childcare programs to adequately respond to the needs of children and others in the event of disasters and emergencies.
Community Conversation: Education Policy Luncheon
This exclusive event offers a unique opportunity to engage directly with policymakers and education experts shaping the future of early childhood education in our community. Stay tuned for additional details about the venue and time.
Responding to Emergencies Due to Food Allergies
Participants will learn to recognize signs and symptoms of severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis.
Smart Table Talk Part 2: Men in ECE
Convening Men In Early Childhood Education
Creating Exciting Outdoor Environments
Bringing your classroom centers outdoor to extend your children learning and development of skills such as pretend play When children invent games during outdoor play, they’re using their imagination and the resources around them to create a different reality.
Raising Forsyth 2025
Raising Forsyth, Smart Start of Forsyth County’s annual fundraising event is held each spring to recognize and pay tribute to Early Childcare Professionals in Forsyth County, while raising funds to advance and improve Early Childhood Education.
M.A.L.E. Meeting
This Month: Offering engaging and health moments for fathers and children.
Stress Management and Burnout
Come learn about how employee burnout can affect early childhood educators; it lowers productivity, leads to poor morale and ultimately staff turnover. It can also impact the classroom if it is not properly addressed. Therefore, stress management for early childhood educators is crucial and we will explore ways to identify and assist by sharing techniques and practices for implementation.
Pathways to Improved Outcomes for Children and Families
This program is to support parents of young children in Forsyth County by providing them with tools for success and a network for support. Parents and caregivers will gain confidence by building from their experiences to enhance the community. Free for families with children 0-5
Room Arrangement
Come learn about the do’s and dont’s of classroom arrangement in relation to ITERS and ECERS.
Playground Safety
This training addresses playground safety hazards, playground supervision, maintenance and general upkeep of the outdoor learning environment, and age and developmentally appropriate playground materials and equipment.